To become a better freediver you need to train freediving. The more time spent freediving, whether it is static, dynamic or depth training, the better you will become. When it comes to depth though, at some stage you will reach a plateau, where equalizing can stop you from getting further. At around 30-40m depth your lungs will reach what is called the residual volume. This simply means that your lungs are too compressed for letting air out. The air to equalise will run out and you won’t be able to go any deeper. This is why, sooner or later, almost everybody needs to learn the mouth-fill equalisation technique. This Freediving technique is the most talked about but also the most misunderstood. For many people it proves to be a nightmare to learn … but it doesn’t have to. The mouth-fill technique is actually very simple when you break it down in to steps and if you practice both in the water and by dry exercises. During your Performance Freediving you will learn this skill along with many others such as FRC diving, static coaching, dieting, mental preparation and more… This Freediving course will provide you all tools needed to reach much greater depth.
Static Apnea:
Besides practicing your own breath hold skills, you will learn how to coach other Freedivers in static. Since 50% of your freediving is for someone else (= your freediving buddy), it is essential to know how to be a good buddy and coach. In static in particular it is very beneficial to have a good coach, to both motivate you to stay down longer and to make sure you come up in time. Learning and training your freediving coaching skills will give you a better understanding of how to push your own and others limits while still staying safe. In your Performance Freediving course practicing coaching with your fellow students, is the main focus for the static session.
Dynamic Apnea:
During this part of your freediving training in Dahab, we will focus on how to plan and execute a training session for a dynamic max attempt. Since you never freedive alone, at any given training session you are there to both do your own performance and to provide safety to your buddies. For this to run smoothly, to make sure all freedivers get the most out of their traininig, it is crucial to have a well-organized plan for the session. Being aware how long time you need for land preparation, how long time your warm ups take, who gets cold first, who can include a safety dive before their performance and all information needed to make a proper functioning plan. We will help you with constructing a plan for you and your buddies, which your will then execute together under our Performance Instructors supervision.